How Criminals Are Using Your Website To Verify Stolen Credit Cards
Over our twenty-year history of helping merchants with their payment processing and POS needs, we have found that criminals attempting to verify stolen credit cards
Over our twenty-year history of helping merchants with their payment processing and POS needs, we have found that criminals attempting to verify stolen credit cards
Before COVID-19 your customers never gave a second thought about entering their PIN number on your credit card terminal or grabbing the pen from your
Let’s face it, the way we do business has changed and you may be accepting more payments without a card present. A card-not-present (CNP) transaction
We need to get back to normal Maybe we need to have everyone make their broomsticks defy the laws of physics and close whatever otherworldly
COVID-19 has effected almost all business Undoubtedly, the COVID-19 crisis has negatively affected everyone at a personal or professional level. In the past six weeks
Shutdowns and stay-at-home orders have had an impact on the nation’s economy. During the COVID-19 crisis, businesses have been juggling keeping their employees safe, their
Whether you want to admit it or not, everyone makes mistakes, even you. Lets face it, we are only human. Learning from our mistakes, and
Make Time for A Yearly Payments Checkup Add one more item to your list of annual checkups – a review of your payment needs. Along
You have heard all the talk about the “Liability Shift” – well the October 1, 2015 deadline has past and the world has not come
We have been inundated with phone calls for the last few months, from our merchants – all asking the same questions: What is EMV? What
Small business owners have trouble making sense of their day-to-day operations, making good business decisions difficult. When business owners don’t know their numbers, they make purchasing, hiring and growth decisions blindly. They are one bad decision from a catastrophe that could force them to close their doors for good.
We want to provide all small business owners the tools and resources needed to see their day-to-day numbers clearly and make informed decisions about their business easy.
Our customers are hiring new employees, buying new equipment, or purchasing more shelf stock every day and feel at ease when their head hits the pillow each night.
When business owners have the information to make good decisions, they grow successful businesses.
If we can’t meet or beat any competitors effective rate we will waive all early termination fees.
P.O. Box 453
VA 22463
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