Credit Card Processing Security

4 Tips on How to Avoid Friendly Credit Card Fraud

Let’s face it, fraud sucks.

Can we say that out loud?

Fraudsters everywhere are making money hand over fist scamming business owners just like you. It’s a game to them. It’s fun. To them, you’re just another faceless small business owner with a fat bank account that can afford it. They don’t care or know if that’s actually true and they don’t give a rat’s nether region either.

Fraud sucks and the worse kind of fraud is friendly fraud.

Friendly Fraud?

Yep. Friendly fraud.

I know the term includes two words you never thought you’d hear in the same sentence, but it’s real. Friendly fraud is when a customer makes a claim that on it’s face seems like a viable claim to the credit card company. And, since the perpetrator of the fraud is a customer of the credit card company, the credit card company does everything in their power to defend the customer.

What’s Friendly Credit Card Fraud?

The easiest way to explain it is to give you an example:

John wants a new G.I. Joe with the kung fu grip. He heads over to your online store where you sell vintage toys and buys one for $125.00. GREAT! You knew someone would want it and they did. It’s off your shelf and the 10 bucks you paid for it at the garage sale was well worth it.

Until it’s not.

You see John had a plan.

He was going to order the G.I. Joe with the kung fu grip and when he received it his plan was to call his credit card company and dispute the charge. You just happened to be the first person he found and now you’re left holding the bag. You see, the credit card company just took back the $125.00 directly from your bank account and charged you a $65 charge back fee that you couldn’t cover so the bank just charged another $29.00 insufficient fund fee.

Yay! Lucky you.

That’s friendly fraud.

Why is it Called Friendly Fraud?

It’s called friendly because any real and loyal customer may have a viable reason to get their money back. Maybe it’s a returned item. Maybe the item never made it. Maybe it was damaged. Maybe the order was canceled and not caught in time. There are any number of reasons.

The point being, it’s hard to determine what a real claim and a fraudulent claim is. After all, there are millions of transactions every year where something goes wrong, and the customer is entitled to a refund.

What Are Common Friendly Fraud Claims?

Some of the claims fraudsters may use when contacting their credit card company include the following:

  • The item wasn’t delivered
  • The item doesn’t match the online description
  • The item was returned but the refund was never processed
  • They canceled the order but the item was sent anyway
  • They don’t remember buying the item so the card must be compromised.

Great. Now that you know what some of the common fraudulent claims are, you probably want to know how to protect yourself. We’re getting to that, but I want to first reiterate that most of the times these claims are valid and that’s what makes this a very difficult type of fraud to combat especially for large merchants.

How Can I Help Prevent Friendly Credit Card Fraud?

Glad you asked!

Here are 4 tips you can use to avoid friendly fraud:

  • Require a signature upon delivery to verify the customer received the order. Having a paper trail that shows the product was ordered and delivered will help when working with the credit card company and hopefully give pause to the fraudsters.
  • Your refund policy should be clearly displayed on your website and be easily available to the customer. Make sure your refund policy states that a refund is issued when the item is returned and specify a period of time for return.
  • For returns, be sure to issue return labels with tracking information so there is a paper trail documenting the return. Providing a paper trail that confirms the customer did or did not return the item is important. You can also include an email and online account order history that clearly shows all transactions.
  • Collect as much customer information as you can. Having a customer database that includes order history, delivery dates, and call logs with your customer service representatives is a great way to deter fraudsters. If they know you’re being vigilant they will look elsewhere for a victim.

Yes. Friendly Credit Card Fraud is a thing and you can help prevent it from happening to you. Follow these simple steps and keep your house in order – fraudsters go after the easy targets.
Now please send me the link to the G.I. Joe with the kung fu grip because my husband is a 55 year old child and would love it.


How Criminals Are Using Your Website To Verify Stolen Credit Cards

Over our twenty-year history of helping merchants with their payment processing and POS needs, we have found that criminals attempting to verify stolen credit cards has increased as the number of websites accepting credit cards has increased.  While this a serious matter we have found that it’s relatively simple to fix and prevent.

In recent years there were 28 million unauthorized transactions on credit, debit, and pre-paid cards totaling $4 billion in fraudulent charges. We all have a role in preventing this kind of fraud and the damages it inflicts on its victims.

Why criminals use your website to verify stolen cards

Criminals use poorly protected shopping carts on websites to test whether or not the stolen credit card numbers they purchased or are getting ready to sell are valid.
They do this using bots that can create thousands of transactions over several websites within minutes. They use small transactions generally less than $1.00 to avoid suspicion.

This generally happens to merchants because they’re not paying attention to their monthly statements and in an effort to lower as many barriers as possible for customers to easily purchase from them they are in turn decreasing the amount of security measures in place.

This is bad for you because even though it is a fraudulent charge it still counts as a transaction and you have to pay the fees. This may not seem like a big deal on a $1.00 charge but if you multiply that by eight, fifteen, or even 20,000 charges it becomes expensive.

This will cause your merchant account to be suspended and not allow any transactions at all on your website. You may not even know that this has happened for days or sometimes weeks. The loss of revenue could be catastrophic for a small business or an e-commerce store.

To avoid the problem there are some very simple things you can do.

  • Use human verification. This type of application is necessary to avoid bots from being able to make transactions on your shopping cart. You can go to Google reCAPTCHA to get a free human verification app. Be sure to have the human verification located at time of payment.
  • Enable Velocity Filters. With a Velocity Filter, you can prevent thieves from rapidly testing multiple credit card numbers against your business’s merchant account. This tool will reject transactions made based on specific filters you set. Some filter parameters are credit limit, sale amount or transaction count.

Preventing this kind of fraud on your website is not difficult. Simply make sure you’re checking your statements on a regular basis, limiting the number of transactions, and use human verification at checkout.

If you need some help or some free advice please feel free to give me a call at (540) 446-0826 or email me at

Credit Card Processing

How COVID-19 may change how your business takes payments

Before COVID-19 your customers never gave a second thought about entering their PIN number on your credit card terminal or grabbing the pen from your store’s clerk to sign a receipt.

Now consumers are anxious about the spread of COVID-19 and are being cautious about what they touch in public. Even though you may have instituted new policies around cleaning your credit card machines and screens, according to a Mastercard study, 50% of consumers worry about touching these devices.

From IBM’s creation of the Magstripe in 1960 to EMV in 1994, advances in payment technology have always played a big role in how consumers interact with businesses. In fact, just over the last 5 years, innovation and technological advances have again drastically changed how you accept payments.

From digital wallets and wearables such as smart watches to ‘tap and go’ (Near Field Communication or NFC) cards there has been a huge shift in how consumers purchase goods and services. And, while the United States has been slow to adopt contactless payments, the international market has been full speed ahead for over a decade.

How COVID-19 is changing the way customers pay you.

In a recent study conducted by American Express, the impact on in-store purchases shows 58% of consumers who have used a contactless payment method state they are more likely to continue this form of payment now.

Further, the study shows that the handling of cash is down as well. According to the study, more than 16% of consumers no longer wish to partake in cash transactions. The study also found 15% of consumers say they no longer wish to insert or swipe their credit or debit cards.

Fifty percent of consumers also agree that using contactless is safer for personal health than using cash or swiping a card and it is more convenient and faster with both bolstering an almost 10% increase in the past 8 months.

What can you do to keep your business current with consumer desires

Below are some of the easy things you can do right now to keep your business up to date with today’s consumer

Upgrade payment processing equipment

  • Call your merchant service provider to see if they can provide an upgrade to your credit card terminal for NFC or ‘tap and go’ transactions
  • Upgrade your POS (point of sale) equipment to utilize NFC transactions
  • If you have age-appropriate wares upgrade to a digital scanner to confirm the age of your customer

Improve your online store

  • Make it easier for people to shop and pay online so they can pick up at your store
  • If you don’t have a website with eCommerce ability contact Stafford Technologies to help you move your inventory online
  • For the foodservice industry, be sure your menu is online and interactive
  • Make it easy for people to understand the number they need to call to order and pay over the phone

Advertise contactless payment at your business

  • Put signage in your windows letting people know you have contactless payment options
  • Ensure your website reflects all your contactless payment and pickup options
  • Include a banner in all your advertising alerting consumers you have contactless payment options

COVID-19 has created a change for the better in how consumers and businesses interact

Consumers are seeing the benefits of interacting with your business through contactless payment and, this form of payment is quickly becoming the consumer’s favorite way of paying for goods and services.

As a business owner, while you do want to remove as many hurdles as you can to make visiting your business and buying from you as easy as possible, there is the added benefit of lower costs in labor, increased productivity, and more efficient payments.

Improve the way you take payments today.

Business Credit Card Processing

How To Keep Your Hard-Earned Money

Let’s face it, the way we do business has changed and you may be accepting more payments without a card present.  A card-not-present (CNP) transaction is when a customer buys something online or over the phone and you don’t have access to the card used. From curbside to online, here are a few ways to help prevent card not present disputes no matter how you’re doing business.

You can prevent disputes and fraud with these handy tips

Online Orders:

  • Cancellation and Return Policies: Clearly display your policies. Provide tracking once order ships and use an “I agree” checkbox prompting policy acknowledgment during the order process.
  • Confirm Identity: Confirm the customer’s identity by asking for the complete billing address and the CVV code on the card.
  • Tracking: When shipping products, send tracking information once the order ships.
  • Recurring Transactions/Subscriptions – Send an email reminder before each cycle

Telephone Orders:

  • Cancellation and Return Policies: Clearly communicate your policies with your customers.
  • Verify Shipping Information: Confirm you are shipping to your customer’s billing address. If not shipping to the billing address, ask for a “ship to” address and send tracking information once the order ships.
  • Shipping & Delivery Expectations: Set clear expectations on delivery time frames and update customers if there are changes.
  • Send Order Confirmation: Includes details of the order and relevant policies. For services, be sure you clearly communicate your terms & conditions and cancellation policy.

Curbside Pickup Orders and Deliveries:

  • Order Confirmation: Send confirmation as soon as the order is completed that includes your policies and pick-up instructions. If someone other than the Card Member is picking up the order, be sure to note this on the order invoice and confirmation.
  • Get Receipt Acknowledgment: Have the customer sign the credit card receipt when the order is picked up or delivered. If the customer’s email address was captured when the order is placed, send an order status with pickup details such as the date, time, and person who received the order. NOTE: This can act as a supporting document in case of a dispute.

Best Practices for Managing Disputes with Card Not Present Purchases

There are three types of chargebacks where the customer calls his or her credit card company or bank to reverse a charge. Below we’ll look at all three and ways you can insolate yourself from giving back your hard-earned money.

No knowledge on the part of the Card Member

  • Use the name your customers know your business by on your merchant account. This way your customer recognizes the charge on their card statement.
  • Include the customer service phone number on statements
  • Explain auto-renewal and auto-shipment terms for free trials, reiterate your cancellation policy in your confirmation emails and include the steps the cardmember should take once their trial ends

The Card Member claims that the transaction was returned or canceled

  • Clearly display return and cancellation policies
  • Note “non-cancellable” or “non-refundable” purchases
  • Call out advance payments that are billed immediately
  • Send a reminder 10–30 days before auto-renewals or recurring billing
  • Issue refund credits promptly

The Card Member claims that the goods/services were not received

  • Hold the charge until shipping or service date
  • Notify customers about delays in fulfillment
  • Confirm when subscriptions will begin

Online Meeting Fatigue – It a real thing

We need to get back to normal

Maybe we need to have everyone make their broomsticks defy the laws of physics and close whatever otherworldly portals they opened. As millions of people stay indoors due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we moved our way of connecting to a virtual world.

During this time of social distancing and self-isolating video conferencing has allowed our lives to adapt. Businesses are having employees check in remotely with their teams, schools have gone digital even our grandparents are participating online.

Who is with me when I say “I am so over this”?

Thank goodness for the people who can cut through the bullshit and find the ridiculousness during these stressful times. The COVID-19 pandemic has given many joke makers and meme creators a plethora of material to turn lemons into lemonade, and online meetings have provided their share of opportunities to provide us with the comedy relief we so desperately need right now. From people being stuck as images of potatoes to intentionally using green screens or dressing up as different characters, these virtual times are redefining business casual in hilarious ways.

As fun as it is to laugh about people who enter our homes accidentally by walking in the background of important meetings in their robes or our children asking for yet another snack, these virtual meetings are causing exhaustion. The fatigue you are feeling from a day of these types of meetings is real. If you are sick of your online workspace, you are not alone.

While technology has been very effective in keeping us connected, there is also a loss of connection, just ask any extrovert. My husband, for example, a business owner/salesperson, a person who is always on-the-go looking to meet or talk to anyone is now forced to stay stationary. While we continue to be on webinars or virtual meetings his superhuman ability to read the room is limited.

Needless to say, in-person all-day meetings are exhausting but there is always a few minutes in between each to stretch or walk to the next conference room, and you were in a physical place with other people where you can see facial expressions, collaborate ideas or feel the energy of the space and read body language. All of that gives us the insight needed on how to move forward. We simply don’t get that from video calls, especially if one of your colleagues or meeting attendees suddenly and “magically” morph themselves into a freaking half human half-cat creature.

With online meetings it is hard to know when to speak – this simple cue is easy enough to pick up in a physical meeting. Some attendees just aren’t forward enough to just “jump in”. In addition, And if we are trying to cram in as many people as possible simply for ease of it all we are taxing ourselves to the limit.

It’s Fight Or Flight

We are hyper-focused on not only navigating this new work environment but all the external things as well. Where are the kids? I hope they don’t interrupt me…again! How do I change the background? How in the world do I share my screen? Shit, what if I’m called on and my mic doesn’t work – I don’t know how to troubleshoot? Crap, my internet is not stable, what the hell do I do now? Why is my freaking cat screaming at me? Crap what did they say? Do I respond or simply smile and nod? What is she talking about? Can this person just shut-up? SERENITY NOW! Dear heavens is that what I really look like, when did I start looking like my mother?

We are physically and mentally over all of this

Our bodies are looking, no screaming, for relief. Not everyone has a home office that actually resembles the office environment. We are hunched over tables, curled up on couches, sitting on beds, porches/patios – heck, if you’re like me you’re in the bathroom hoping to get a moment of silence or a stronger internet connection. Our bodies are sore, eyes hurt and our vision is blurred. Our new work environment certainly does not look like anything we had before. We aren’t stretching our legs in between meetings and we certainly are not following any regular eating habits.

Our eyes are overworked and strained as a result of all the extra screen time we are enduring. Excessive overuse of our computers, smartphones, and tablets suppresses our naturally produced melatonin; this, in turn, affects our ability to fall asleep and enjoy a very peaceful night’s sleep. Instead, we are going to bed sore, restless and our brains still wired. There are some things we can do to relieve the strain, fatigue, and frustration of online life.

It’s important to remind yourself that you are living in your workspace, and that doesn’t give you a chance to unwind during a commute home. You can’t just leave work behind, because that counter where you are prepping dinner is where you had seven Zoom calls and will need to catch up on emails after the kids are in bed. Work is always present, and so is the stress. Stacia D. Kelly, Ph.D. suggests “create a few rituals to help you step away from the work. If you can, get out for a walk, do something creative (that doesn’t involve the computer screen), and remember to look up from your computer/device every 20 minutes or so.”


How To Have Your Business Thrive Even in Tough Times

COVID-19 has effected almost all business

Undoubtedly, the COVID-19 crisis has negatively affected everyone at a personal or professional level. In the past six weeks we have seen less of our loved ones due to the stay-at-home orders, longer lines at the grocery store and the weird obsession with stock piling toilet paper and pop-tarts.

One thing is for certain, we are going through this together. Every business has had to pivot in some way. Restaurants are being creative with curbside pick-up, retail shops have amped up their online presence.

Some things to help your business thrive

How To Have Your Business Thrive During A Crisis by 610 Merchant ServicesWhether you are a one-man (or lady) shop or have a full team, when faced with difficult decisions or situations you could either:

A) Curl up into a fetal position, cower in terror and leave yourself to fate and wait to pick up the pieces of whatever is left of your company after things have stabilized or
B) Roll up your sleeves and get to work.

If your choice is B… Great job!

Getting started is usually the hardest part. Even during the darkest of hours there is always something that can be done to keep your business viable and serving the community. I know you’re wondering how, considering you’ve experienced a significant cash flow crunch – how can you possibly improve your business without cash.

You’ve come to the right place for answers…

We’ve listed several items that have zero cost. Things you can do with just a small investment of time.


Marketing should be one of the largest investments a business makes in its own company. Given the tight budgets nowadays, it’s no surprise that companies are cutting back on their marketing budget. However, cutting back on budget and stopping your marketing efforts are two totally different things. You can easily do some marketing for little or no money at all.

When was the last time you updated and optimized your Google My Business listing? When was your last Instagram, Facebook or Twitter post? Have you hopped on the TikTok bandwagon yet? Have you updated the content on your website or written a blog post lately? When was the last time you loaded a how-to video for your customers on YouTube?

These are all things you can do on your own or have one of your staff do for you. Even better, if you have furloughed some employees, why not see if their willing to pitch in for a small fee.

According to Michael Pollaci, President of Stafford Technologies “…posting on any or all these channels on a regular basis is critical to surviving this crisis. Your customers need to know you’re still there. The best way to do that is to communicate with them.”

Internal Processes

Let’s face it, the way we do business has changed. Never, in our wildest dreams did we think things would go this way and not have a Plan B in place. Now is the perfect time to document or adjust your processes. Alyson Caffrey, Founder & COO of Operations Agency has some very helpful tips.

When starting a process – look at it with the high-level overview of the following:

  • What the process is
  • How does it serve the Company
  • How does it serve the customer

For more helpful resources click here.

Look at expenses

No matter what causes a cash flow issue, any financial crisis is a stressful time and they require added focus and attention to detail. Controlling costs and tightening up spending are the easiest ways for companies to quickly adjust.

Here are a few simple suggestions to help you to make it through.

  • Consolidate your spending and negotiate better pricing. For example, if you direct mail to your customers consider changing your print and mail house services to one vendor.
  • Shop around. If your current supplier is not able or willing to work with you on better pricing their competition will be. Call your vendors competitors and see what new customer deals they are offering. Get vendors to compete for your business.
  • Look at your discretionary expenses. Can you do your job without it? If the answer is yes, pause or cancel your subscription.

Staying in touch with your customers

Even during these stressful and uncertain times, take time to connect with customers. Building honest and authentic relationships during times of trouble can lead to loyal customer relationships.

  • Be transparent about the choices your company is making. Let your customers know what choices you are making during this time.
  • Be real, authentic, and transparent about your efforts to serve your customers as best as you can and let them know how they can support you in return. Loyal customers are your champions.
  • Continue to maintain a strong relationship with your clients whether directly, individually, in newsletters, or social media. Show them you care. More than ever, your customers need to hear from you.

It’s Not All Doom and Gloom

No doubt, across the globe COVID-19 has been extremely damaging to businesses. And although it’s tough, we will get through this. There is always a light at the end. We are strong, we must have courage, stand our ground and push through to continue to make our businesses succeed.


Business Owners Remain Optimistic

Shutdowns and stay-at-home orders have had an impact on the nation’s economy. During the COVID-19 crisis, businesses have been juggling keeping their employees safe, their customers safe and keeping their company running effectively. Many business owners, however, remain optimistic that the measures they are taking today will help them come out of the COVID-19 crisis better and stronger.

Although many companies have had to make the difficult decision to layoff some employees, most employers recently questioned in The Harris Poll and TriNet survey said they were confident that their business could with-stand the short-term if the situation remains as it is right now.

610 Merchant Services Business Remain OptimisticFurther, 96% of those surveyed said they believed their business could make it through at least one month and 92% believed their businesses could survive three months. However, if shutdowns continue and social distancing restrictions do not change within six to twelve months, business owners were less certain of their ability to keep operations running as usual.

Many small businesses are finding proactive ways in dealing with the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 crisis. During the same survey, 78% of business owners said they had made strategic investments in order to keep their businesses running during this crisis and among those, 76% said they believe the investments would pay off once the crisis has ended.

Some of the measures they are taking are:

  • Investing in infrastructure to ensure security while employees work virtually
  • Investing in processes and materials to help them service their customers contact-free
  • Investing in health insurance benefits for laid-off or furloughed employees
  • Paying employees who are not able to work in the hopes of retaining a trained workforce
  • Communication with customers
  • Participating in local community philanthropic opportunities
  • Taking advantage of support from the federal government, including the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act and the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)

While it is too early to fully understand the severity of the COVID-19 crisis and its long-term effects on businesses, small businesses will continue to invest in their long-term success.

For this research, TriNet teamed with The Harris Poll to conduct an online survey of between 150-200 small business leaders in U.S. companies with 5 to 249 employees between April 3-6, 2020 for the first wave, April 8-10, 2020 for the second wave and April 10-12, 2020 for the third wave. Business leaders were qualified as either owners/partners or C-level executives.

Credit Card Processing

Avoid These Costly Credit Card Processing Mistakes

Whether you want to admit it or not, everyone makes mistakes, even you. Lets face it, we are only human. Learning from our mistakes, and the mistakes of others, is what makes us successful. It is the same with accepting credit card payments. Learning to avoid credit card processing mistakes can add up to big savings. Here are five of the most common and costly credit card processing mistakes businesses make, and how to avoid them:

Key entering card information without getting a manual imprint when a card won’t swipe.

It is a matter of convenience. Customers are lined up at the register and the card reader does not recognize the card you are trying to swipe. Instead of locating the old, manual card swiper to make a manual imprint, you simply key-enter the card information into your Point-of-Sale (POS) system. While this saves time, it also opens you up to fraud and higher processing rates.

Without a card imprint and customer signature, the transaction is subject to a higher processing fee by the card networks. No imprint or customer signature also offers little defense should a chargeback result. (Fraudsters alter cards so they will not swipe, charge a large amount, then initiate a chargeback if the unsuspecting merchant does not make an imprint and get a signature. In most cases, the merchant loses the sale and merchandise.)

The best way to avoid this situation is to make a manual imprint and get a signature. Also be sure to follow all POS prompts when key entering card information.

If a purchase seems suspicious, or questions arise when entering information, call your processor or voice authorization center. They can walk you through the steps necessary to successfully accept the card.

Not asking your processor to help you find the lowest processing costs.

Running a business takes a lot of time and energy, and the last thing an owner wants to do is keep up with the all the requirements from the card brands on interchange qualifications.

If you are consistently seeing mid-qualified or non-qualified transactions, your processor can help you discover why your transactions are not qualifying for the best rates. Sometimes simple changes can make a big difference, such as ensuring transactions are batched out within established timeframes, making sure POS devices and software are properly encoding transactions, or taking advantage of special programs.

If you don’t know, ask. Your processor should be able to evaluate your situation and offer money-saving suggestions.

Tossing monthly statements into a drawer without opening and reviewing.

Yes, reviewing a monthly statement may be time consuming, but it also can be time well spent. Reading the statement message each month will keep you up to date on any potential price changes that will affect your bottom line.

Familiarizing yourself with cash flow, charges and rate changes gives you a snapshot of your financial health. It also can uncover hidden costs which you can work with your processor to rectify. If you don’t understand an item or term on your statement, call your provider for an explanation.

Consider switching to online reporting. Checking your account via a secure website provides an immediate snapshot of transactions, and eliminates the need for paper statements, offering an environmental benefit.

Ignoring Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance.

PCI DSS is a set of security requirements established to protect cardholders’ account data from fraud. The PCI DSS were developed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which includes American Express®, Discover® Financial, JCB International, MasterCard® and Visa®. For business owners, the standard requires that all hardware and software coming into contact with cardholders’ data must be compliant. The risk of noncompliance includes massive fines, a loss of reputation and bankruptcy.

To avoid this very common credit card processing mistake simply call your processor for any assistance you may need with becoming PCI compliant.

Not reading and understanding pricing and terms of the agreement.

Some processors will do just about anything to win your business. They’ll offer flashy rates, fancy equipment and fabulous deals. For example, some processors will offer a “New Low Rate.” Many times, this is an introductory rate that expires after a number of months. Other processors will offer a low rate, but add extra fees to every transaction. Some processors require business owners to purchase equipment from them. Others require businesses to lease equipment for a set period, and charge a penalty for opting out before the agreement ends. IMPORTANT NOTE: all processors pay the same rates to the credit card associations to move transactions. (Both Visa and MasterCard post interchange rates on their websites.) The differences are in the extras a processor offers.

One of the most important ways to avoid a processing mistake is to never make a rash judgment or decision – take a moment to consider a processor’s strengths and if those strengths line up with your needs.

Credit Card Processing

Questions To Ask Your Credit Card Processor

Make Time for A Yearly Payments Checkup

Add one more item to your list of annual checkups – a review of your payment needs. Along with health, insurance and vehicle exams, it is a good idea to make time once a year for a review of your processor and payment agreement.

An annual exam with your processing partner can uncover changes that may save you money, or introduce new security procedures to protect your customers and your business. The following are 10 important questions to ask during a review to ensure you are receiving the best return on your investment, and that you are safely operating within industry standards.

Has my business changed?

Changes to your average transaction to an increase to your overall sales volume, fluctuations in the types of transactions you process may help you qualify for lower rates. Or perhaps the addition of an online presence or an expansion into new items or services may require updated processing services – and may allow you to offer your customers new ways to pay.

Does your processor understand your business?

Just as you wouldn’t call a plumber for an electrical problem, why consult a processor who knows nothing about your business? Your processor should understand your business model, what drives your industry, and offer suggestions to help you grow and succeed

Is your processor EMV® chip card ready?

Make sure your business is using secure, up-to-date credit card machines to accept payments. Chip-enabled terminals take advantage of the fraud-fighting technology built into EMV cards and may help protect you from card-present counterfeit fraud. Many newer terminals also allow you to accept digital wallet payments via Near Field Communication (NFC), including Apple Pay and Samsung Pay.

Is your processor keeping up with latest technology?

In today’s business environment, it is essential to have a POS solution that is secure, fast, redundant, and supports the latest payment technologies such as EMV and NFC/Apple Pay™

Does your processor support Apple Pay and other mobile wallets?

Accepting the latest ways consumers want to pay requires a processor willing to invest in research and development while forging partnerships with all players in the payments industry. Your processor should have the industry connections needed to stay on top of new payment developments, the ability to quickly adopt new ways to pay, and the knowledge to help you determine which new consumer payments are right for your business.

Are the rates on your statement the same as outlined in your contract?

Compare your contract with a monthly statement to ensure fees and rates are consistent. If not, ask your processor about the discrepancies.

Is customer service available when you need it?

Many businesses today operate 24/7, and the last thing you need is a processing problem outside of customer service hours. Ensure customer service representatives are available during your business hours, not just your processor’s.

Do you receive regular communication and educational opportunities from your processor?

Your processor should provide regular communication about industry news, regulatory changes, new products and other payment developments that affect your business.

Do you receive statements and payments on time?

Statements should be timely and available to meet your business needs. Many processors offer online access to real-time transaction information to help you track a wealth of information including fees, batch processing, income and volume.

Should your exam lead you to begin the search for a new processor, remember, not all processors are equal. Research and evaluate vendors based on your gathered information, experience and need, not just on price. Then choose a payments partner that best meets your requirements. In the end, you will benefit from the effort. To ensure you continue to benefit, set a reminder now to conduct another payments review in 12 months.

Credit Card Processing Security

EMV and Counterfeit Cards

You have heard all the talk about the “Liability Shift” – well the October 1, 2015 deadline has past and the world has not come to an end.  As you are aware the new credit and debit cards that are being issued have a microchip embedded on the front of each card. The purpose of the microchip is to make it harder for criminals to use your debit/credit card fraudulently and is designed to meet the EMV standard. Now we all know that there will always be criminals and having this new technology is not going to prevent other forms of card fraud.

EMV- which stands for Europay, Mastercard, and Visa – is the global standard for smart cards.  Europay, Mastercard, and Visa were the original payment brands that came together to create the standard. The standard has since been regulated by American Express, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, UnionPay, and Visa and is now known as EMVCo.

Four things should be noted about the liability shift:

  1. The arrival of October 1 does not mean that all debit/credit cards need to be EMV, it means that merchants need to be ready to accept chip-enabled cards by that date if they do not want to be affected by the new fraud liability rules.
  2. Upgrading POS systems to accept chip cards is not legally mandated- it is an optional measure to protect your business from fraud liability.
  3. Even if you have an updated EMV-compliant POS machine, if you run a counterfeit chip card via the magnetic strip reader instead of the chip reader, you will be liable for the fraud.
  4. Even if the counterfeit card swiped at a traditional POS machine is in the form of a traditional card, you will be liable for fraud if the data on the counterfeit card was obtained from a legitimate chip card.

What is a Counterfeit Card?

Counterfeit credit cards are fakes that have real account information stolen from victims. Often, the victims still have their real cards, so they don’t know a crime has occurred. The cards appear legitimate, with issuers’ logos and encoded magnetic strips. To create a counterfeit card, criminals go into any local supermarket and grab prepaid debit cards you normally buy as gifts. Honest people go to the counter check out and activate the card by loading a dollar amount onto the card.  For criminals however, they are just shells – they want them to look like a real credit card and don’t care about the numbers embossed on the front or anything printed on the card such as: “A Gift For You”.  All they want is a card that looks like the real thing and has a mag stripe so they can load stolen data onto the back of this card and use it at another store.  Now the cashier that gets that card will think it’s just another one of the dozens of cards they accept each day and will just swipe away!  A counterfeit card created, sold on the street and used to buy goods and services is as easy as 1-2-3!  Scary, I know.

There are things that merchants can and should do even without EMV-enabled equipment to protect themselves.  By setting your current credit card terminal or POS system to prompt for the the last 4 digits of the card number on the front of the card and using the CVV/CID from the back or front (American Express) of the card are great tools to prevent fraud!  Why?  It really is quite simple – when card data is stolen and encoded onto a “shell” the information will not match.  For example:  The last four digits of your card are 6848 however the stolen data that was encoded on the “shell” end with 1298.  Unless it is a very sophisticated criminal group, most counterfeit credit cards are crudely encoded and are designed to just “get the job done” rather than impress.

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